Printed and Digital Publications

from the desk of Bruce C. Bryan



on the trip to

mark a lifetime

40 West is an autobiographical journey in some ways and a collective of essays about life and that journey in others. It’s two brothers making a reflective and intentional trip to honor and celebrate their late father. Along the way we learn about them, the man they called Dad, and the world around us. Tears, laughter, and thought-provoking messages are peppered throughout. It’s nostalgic, forward-looking, and fun - all at the same time.
40 West Book Cover



We appreciate how Bruce approaches his work and talks from a place of curiosity. He asks what does this specific group of people need to get out of this session? He’s someone who is always willing to brainstorm, problem-solve, and pitch in. That’s something we really appreciate about him.


Lindsey Gleason-Reed

Assistant Director, Community Foundation of the New River Valley


Bruce’s talk on talent acquisition offered a fresh perspective on recruiting in today’s multi-faceted work environment. I walked away with valuable ideas on creating a company culture where people genuinely want to work. [He] provided insight on how to retain team members by fostering a workplace where team members feel comfortable, respected, fulfilled, and fairly compensated.


Amanda Livingston

Executive Director, Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce


Bruce Bryan was exceptional and incredibly informative. His insights captivated our chamber members, and they are eager to hear more from him. We look forward to welcoming him back for future events.


Sandra Tanner

Executive Director, South Hill Chamber of Commerce


Bruce's expertise in building impactful brands and authentic customer connections inspired attendees to elevate their own businesses. [His] insight into the power of storytelling and strategic marketing offered valuable takeaways for everyone participating in Brand Camp, an event by the Greater Roanoke & NRV Small Business Development Center.


Heather Fay

Regional Program Director & Botetourt Business Advisor and Community Navigator — Greater Roanoke & NRV Small Business Development Center


This universal story of two brothers on a road trip rings so true it had me longing to take a long drive with my siblings to reconnect and rediscover the power of family.


Beth Macy

New York Times Best Selling Author


This book is filled with sweet and intimate anecdotes, as well as thoughtful self-examination. Upon finishing the book, you know that Hugh McLellan Bryan was a damn fine human being, and that his sons follow in his path.


Gil Harrington, Morgan’s Mom

President + Founder Help Save the Next Girl

Insights from Bruce C. Bryan

B2Seeds written by Bruce, hosted on the 5Points Creative website through the years.

Get Everyone On the Same Page

Get Everyone On the Same Page

Get Everyone On the Same Page

This month, I was all set. Ready to share what was on my mind as usual --- until I saw the following piece in Sports Illustrated. It was a classic case of two well meaning departments not cross checking the master calendar.

June 2011


The topics I write about generally percolate for a week or two before they make it to print.

This month, I was all set.  Ready to share what was on my mind as usual --- until I saw the following piece in Sports Illustrated.  It was a classic case of two well meaning departments not cross checking the master calendar.

“The Huntsville Stars hosted Pleasures Ladies Night (sponsored by a sex toy store) and the North-Central Alabama Girl Scouts sleepover at the same game last week.”


We all make mistakes.

Before you put your marketing calendar to rest and before that promotional schedule is printed, it’s a wise idea to check with other departments.  It’s an even smarter idea to check the piece one last time yourself.  While it may be an intern’s calendar project or something done by someone else in your office, there’s a good chance if you are in the decision process (or at the top of it), the ultimate responsibility is yours.

If you think these things only happen with small or local companies, think again.  Shortly after I went to work for an NBC affiliate a piece came out from the television network that highlighted an upcoming special sports presentation.  It was titled, “Ray Charles on Ice”.  That presents some interesting mental images.  Someone in New York had clearly not proof-read that piece before it was distributed either…

Minimize your exposure – have good cross checkers and proof readers.  Communicate.  Then check it yourself – the way my Mother and Father taught me to do it is still the best.  Read it backwards.

Proof your work.

June 20, 2011
5 min read

Shine the Light, Be More Effective

Shine the Light, Be More Effective

Shine the Light, Be More Effective

My managers and I would meet to decide where to shine the flashlight. Everyone, no matter their performance level, has a limited capacity.

May 2011

Focus2FinishWe would talk about it. 

My managers and I would meet to decide where to shine the flashlight.  Everyone, no matter their performance level, has a limited capacity.  The concept almost always played out as expected – what you as a manager focus on determines where the team will put its attention.  Where you direct your efforts, the team will follow.

It’s why it is so important to regularly decide where your energy should go.

Time4ChangeDecide what needs your focus then use accountability and a sustained gaze to drive the necessary change.  If you are in a sales or fundraising operation --- a good manager needs to know when to push forward, when to praise a high performer, and when to ease up on the team.  If you are in operations or production, it’s important you constantly monitor where the break downs are happening and how your focus can correct the process.

Your people will do what you drive them to accomplish.  Otherwise they aren’t the right people for you.

Too often as leaders we get sidetracked on unimportant or insignificant things – instead practice focusing your efforts and in turn helping your team see where they need to go and on what they need to concentrate. 

True change and definable results will follow.

May 20, 2011
5 min read

Early Bird Gets the Worm

Early Bird Gets the Worm

Early Bird Gets the Worm

Sometimes it gets to the point where the pile can get so large you simply have to do something about it. Sometimes it's just one big item. You know what I'm talking about.

April 2011

Time2Do It 

They pile up.

Sometimes it gets to the point where the pile can get so large you simply have to do something about it.  Sometimes it’s just one big item.  You know what I’m talking about.  It’s those things you just don’t really want to do – the very things that eat away at you, cause you to wake up at 4am, or stop you from quickly falling asleep at night.  The brain space occupied drags you down and distracts you from doing what you want to do, what you need to do, and what you love.

Those things – those rotten things you have to get done, but put off doing.


Now It’s Time4You to Change 

Credit should go to Stan Joplin – he was the Men’s Basketball Coach at the University of Toledo and I had known him when we both worked with Tom Izzo’s staff at Michigan State University.  Coach Joplin agreed to address my sales team at WTVG and he shared something I have tried for years to put into practice – something that has stayed with me for about ten years now.  He said, “Do the hard things first”.  It sounds easy enough and it is simple, but it’s actually far from easy.

If you continue to put something off, simply start tomorrow with it being the first thing on your list and (here’s the hard part) do it.  Tough phone call?  Make it.  Hard conversation?  Have it.  Uncomfortable email?  Proof it and send it.  Do it early in the day and get the rest of your day going…it really does work in a very practical way and it will work for you and your organization.

Clear the deck.

B2C Enterprises is an award winning advertising and marketing agency.  If you’d like to talk about how we can help you tackle a hard-to-solve problem, see some samples, or be removed from this distribution list, simply call 540.986.8766 (new number).

April 20, 2011
5 min read

Who You Gonna Call?

Who You Gonna Call?

Who You Gonna Call?

A few weeks ago my company had one of those bursts that often accompany a fast growing organization. On Monday it was confirmed B2C Enterprises would be handling all the marketing for a local franchisee of a major national company.

March 2011


When you get good news about your business - who do you call?  When something exciting or frightening happens to your organization - what number do you initially dial?

A few weeks ago my company had one of those bursts that often accompany a fast growing organization.  On Monday it was confirmed B2C Enterprises would be handling all the marketing for a local franchisee of a major national company.  Along with my creative partners, two campaigns we built won Western Virginia Addy Awards the following Saturday.

I called Kevin Shaw. 

A Thought4You 

When you are ready to scream – either with joy or because of frustration – do you have a team of people you know are firmly and squarely in your corner?  Running a business is hard.  Trying to do it alone is nearly impossible.  It’s important to have people to connect with who can add perspective, challenge you, or simply listen.  Listen and care. I am fortunately to have a number of those people.

Kevin Shaw is a Partner with Wieland-Davco, a Michigan-based construction company and we grew up in the marketing/advertising world together.  He took the call, shared my excitement, and reminded me how important it is to celebrate together.  Maybe today would be a good day to pick up the phone and call “your Kevin Shaw”.  It’s a small action step, but frequently the smallest steps make the largest difference.

March 20, 2011
5 min read

Hit the Pause Button

Hit the Pause Button

Hit the Pause Button

Blackberries, iPods, iPads, Facebook, Texting and Email all make communication and catching people in a hurry much easier (usually). The problem is we are all going non-stop and the pace of life swirls around us � sometimes even overwhelming us.

December 2010


All these tools were designed to make things easier.

Blackberries, iPods, iPads, Facebook, Texting and Email all make communication and catching people in a hurry much easier (usually). The problem is we are all going non-stop and the pace of life swirls around us – sometimes even overwhelming us.

With all this time for doing…when do you ever get a chance to think?


If you have read my previous issues, you’ve read as I wrote about the power of the good idea. Some of my best ideas have come during times of quiet. About 12 years ago I was on the tractor when the solution hit me. An advertising agency was spending a huge amount of money on another station and we couldn’t figure out a counter. I loved the idea that flashed in my mind so much, I turned off the mower, got off my tractor, went inside and wrote it down for later.

During the holidays and in early January it is easy for you to get even busier. Resist that temptation and find some thinking time. Gather yourself – unplug that computer one day a week in 2011 – or simply go for a walk. Your brain has ideas in it, they just need time and space and quiet to surface. Make a plan to step back. You’ll be glad you did.

To finish the story that started while I was doing yard work…that advertising agency 12 years ago loved the idea, moved their base buys over to my television station for over ten years (well after I was gone) – keeping the plan in place that came to me in the middle of cutting grass.

December 20, 2010
5 min read

What's New?

What's New?

What's New?

While doing some research on what other marketing companies are doing with their web sites I happened upon a Roanoke-based firm who had a "What's New" section on theirs.

November 2010


What counts as new?

While doing some research on what other marketing companies are doing with their web sites I happened upon a Roanoke-based firm who had a “What’s New” section on theirs. When I clicked on the link it was clear they had a different perspective on what counted as new. The latest entry was from April 2010 – over six months ago.

In a web-based world where current is king and information is expected, out-of-date stale “news” sections are a problem, especially when the site is for a Marketing or Advertising Agency.

A System4Success

It’s critical you have the structure in place to make your web site a relevant, changing and current part of your business model. If you don’t plan for regular web site updates and marketing, it won’t happen. Your site quickly becomes like week-old bread…

We can coordinate a system of regular updates with our Content Management platform and the unique approach we take to proactively updating and marketing your link to internet customers and visitors. Just like someone has to “mind the store,” it just makes sense to constantly work to keep your web site fresh.

November 20, 2010
5 min read


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